Enroll in the Home Improvement Course for Your Family or a Church Small Group

Too often parenting books tell the what. We know you want more. It's not good enough to hear be loving, teach your kids responsibility, don't put up with whining, and the list goes on.

We Know You Need and Want the WHY and the HOW. That's why we created the Home Improvement Course.

  • The WHY will tie your parenting into your faith and give you the extra motivation to hang in there when things get tough. It also helps you develop a stonger framework for what you do as a parent.

  • The HOW gives you practical techniques and strategies to train your child to think and act differently.

  • Put these two things together and you will strengthen your parenting, lower tension, and increase closeness in your home...AND... the work of family life will be easier.

NOTE: This is an excellent small group course for parents. You can use this course in your church or group. Watch the videos in a group and use the downloadable leaders guide that provides handouts and discussion questions. You can obtain a church license for just an additonal $50 once you purchase this course. You'll find that option in the Welcome section of the course.

Watch this testimony of Home Improvement touched this mom and her daughter.

Home Improvement: A Practical Theology of Parenting

Here's What's Included:

  • 8-Teaching Videos, each 20 minutes long.
  • An eBook to read with your kids so that they can get the same lessons.
  • Discussion questions you can use with your spouse our in a group.
  • Handouts and infographics that explain the concepts in easy-to-understand terms.
  • Tools for correction, giving instructions, and ending discipline times positively.
  • Each Lesson contains a special BONUS selected for you.

These are the Eight Lessons

Session 1: A Theology of Obedience: It’s not just about the task, it’s about the process.

Session 2: A Theology of Repentance: It’s time for a change of heart.

Session 3: A Theology of Correction: A good response to correction makes all the difference.

Session 4: A Theology of Morality: Rules are important, but they must be tied to values.

Session 5: A Theology of Emotions: Emotions are good, but can be dangerous.

Session 6: A Theology of Discipleship: Always keep the bigger picture in mind.

Session 7: A Theology of Wisdom: Teaching kids to learn from life equips them forever.

Session 8: A Theology of Strongholds: Deeply rooted challenges need a strategic approach.

The Cost of this full course is just $59.95.

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